Minister for Agriculture, Food & Marine, Michael Creed, T.D., was on hand recently to launch the 36th National Dairy Show which takes place on Saturday October 20th in the Green Glens Arena, Millstreet.
The Show was first held back in 1982 and since then has steadily grown into Ireland’s premier indoor agricultural
event. The word indoor was of huge significance to the Show when in 2017 storm Ophelia failed to upstage the
holding of the annual event, and recent events at the National Ploughing Championships, when Storm Ali caused a
major disruption, certainly brought home to us the true value and comfort of the Green Glens complex where the
Show has been domiciled since its inception.
Promoted as a fun, family day out the Show programme offers something for everyone and is a platform for national
and international recognition along with hosting a wide range of attractions including over 130 trade exhibits which
market agricultural based products and equipment as well as offering advice and insight benefiting the entire
audience. So, make sure you don’t miss the opportunity to meet and discuss with suppliers of a wide range of
products from the latest in milking technology to animal nutrition, veterinary products, detergents, animal dosing, AI companies and leading financial institutions to name but a few.
This year’s Show has been designed to attract an audience throughout our farming community and welcomes
attendance from all; both urban and rural, town and country to a great day out. On the day live demonstrations will
promote the latest in hoof care restraining equipment as well as up to date hoof pairing technology. Tractor and
loader demos will also feature at the Show with up to eight manufacturers participating alongside a wide range of
machinery on display; surely not to be missed! Farm safety will also feature, particularly in relation to prevention of
farm accidents, which is always close to our hearts and Gardai will also be on hand to discuss rural crime prevention.
Cattle handling competitions that allow young handlers from the four corners of Ireland compete are as popular as
ever and the day gives the audience in Millstreet an opportunity to see the cream of Holstein Friesian and Jersey cattle before the Irish Examiner Supreme Champion is crowned that evening. The Show welcomes judge, Edward Griffiths to Millstreet this year, Edward is passionate about the breed and is enthusiastically involved with the next generation and has a wealth of judging experience. He has judged many major shows in the UK and Europe including National Holstein shows in the UK, Ireland, Sweden and Slovenia.
Always generating particular interest annually at the Show is the Dairy Innovation Award where product and
equipment new to the Irish market in 2018 are revealed, as hopeful entrants compete in scientific, technology and
engineering categories before the overall winner is announced on the afternoon.
For our younger visitor the Millstreet Fire Service have kindly offered to display their shiny, new fire tender and along with the Small Animal Farm, Bouncing Castle and face painting there will be much to entertain our younger audience. All this, along with food tastings and light bites from local producers as well as full restaurant facilities within the complex ensure there is something for everyone at the Show.
The organising committee are delighted that this year’s event will be officially opened by Mr Sean Kelly M.E.P. and
former G.A.A. president. Show Director, John Kirby, extended his thanks to Mr Kelly for giving generously of his time and to the ongoing commitment that both he and Minister Creed make to the Show.
Finally, thank you to the immense contribution of the National Dairy Show sponsors, without whom the event could
not take place, the Show greatly appreciates their continued commitment to the annual event.
Remember all information relevant to the Show can be found on where the Prize Schedule, Entry Forms, Sponsor links and pre-purchase of tickets are also available. Don’t forget to follow the Show on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and we look forward to seeing you on the 20th October in Millstreet at what is always an enjoyable and memorable occasion.