Announcing the National Dairy Show 2022

The National Dairy Show is back live and in-person for its 40th anniversary show in its usual venue of the Green Glen Arena, Millstreet, Co. Cork.

The recent announcement ended some weeks of speculation in relation to the future venue of the show due to the uncertainty of the availability of their usual home.

The return to its regular home is welcomed by the committee after switching to a virtual show format for 2020 and 2021 due to the ongoing Covid situation.

The Green Glens Arena has been the home for the event since its very first show in 1982. The 2022 edition of the show promises to build on the forty years of growth enjoyed by the show and the hardworking Cork Holstein Frisian Club committee.

The show is planned to run over Friday the 21st and Saturday the 22nd of October where the large trade exhibition will be open for the first time over two days.

The event promises all the latest in dairy technology and research. Some of this year's highlights include the industries innovation awards, machinery demos, industry meeting place and of course, the best dairy show cattle battling for the most prestigious dairy showing competitions in Ireland.